Welcome to the Pyylampi Family Heritage Society Homepage!
The Pyylampi Family Heritage Society founded on the 5th of February 2006 at the Alavus city hall. The meaning of society is to declare the descendants of Antti Matinpoika Pyylampi (b. 1682), who established the farm of Pyylampi 1710. The meaning of the society is to inspect the history and to connect the members of the family Pyylampi.
Antti Matinpoika Pyylampi was the son of the Seinäjärvi farm near the border of Alavus and Virrat He asked 7.Feb.1710 from the court of Ilmajoki (Ilmajoen talvikäräjät) permission to make the field from the forest near the lake Pyylampi and make the farm. The permission was accepted and this was the beginning of the farm Pyylampi. In the Google Map you can look the area here. The first house was in the place of the small red granary.
The farm of Pyylampi has always moved from the father to the son until today. This is long period and also random in Finland.
The logo of The Family Pyylampi is made by Esko Saarimäki, Alavus 2007. At the bottom of the logo you can see the blue lake of Pyylampi. Then there is the large field reaching the forest long away and the large heaven. It means large family.
In the middle of the logo you can see the letter A. Without the year 1710 it is the personal mark (signature) of Heikki Matinpoika Pyylampi from the year 1786.
Welcome to the member of The Pyylampi Family Heritage Society!
In the rules you can read following:
”The member of the society can be every 15 year old people who:
is the descendant of Antti Matinpoika Pyylampi thorought her/his mother or father or is the mate or is the adoption child of the people mentioned before.
If you are interested in joining to The Pyylampi Family Heritage Society, please contact president. The membership fee is 30€ / 3 years
Query for the new book Pyylampi/ Rinta-Kahra
Pyylammin sukuseura ry. / Jorma Lamminmäki Alavus, January 2016
Lautamiehentie 7, 63300 ALAVUS, FINLAND
p. 0400-410513, e-mail: jorma.lamminmaki@pp.inet.fi
Excerpt from the person register is found on the home page.
Dear members of the PYYLAMPI / RINTA-KAHRA family, best wishes for the oncoming spring!
At the meeting held at the house of Pyylampi in the spring of 2002 was agreed upon making genealogies of Heikki Juhonpoika (1733-1806) and Liisa Tuomaantytär (née Tusa 1733-1815) PYYLAMPI’s those six children who have descendants. The genealogies have now been finished concerning four sons. The genealogy concerning the daughter Sofia, now in the pipeline, is the fifth in order.
The intention is to compile to the ’PYYLAMMIN sukukirja 5’ (Pyylampi family history book 5), now in the works, Heikki Juhonpoika Pyylampi’s youngest daughter Sofia (1772-1838) and her spouse Kaappo Kaaponpoika (1773-1844) Rintakahra’s descendants, with their families, until today. The work contains pedigrees of the ancestors as well. The thought has been to work out their descendants (on the record about 4000 persons at the moment) with spouses as much as possible from different sources as parish registers, extracts from population registers of parishes and register offices, rolls and genealogies.
The most common surnames in the genealogy are at the moment Asunmaa (350) and Pyylampi (110). Surnames Aho, Haapa-aho, Manninen, Mäki, Pohjasniemi, Rikala and Vehniä cover about 50-70 persons each.
Now about 50 % of the records are extended until the beginning of the 21st century. It has not been possible to find out all who have emigrated abroad. The ancestors have been worked out partly until the1 6th century.
The members of the family have scattered throughout Finland. About 30-40 persons/families have went to Canada and the USA. On the American continent there is already a multitude of their descendants of whom only a small portion has been able to be worked out.
You’ll find enclosed records of the pedigrees/families of your immediate family. There are still plenty of faults and imperfections and so I ask you to check and correct the information. I ask you also to complete them up-to-date and to add the details of missing persons, i.a. children and their families. I hope especially that the professions/occupations and places of residence would be provided. At least a few lines of a person’s biographical information would be apreciated as well.
The names and birth dates of the spouses and their parents are needed too. It is important that the maiden names of women are provided as well. There is also a form enclosed for the giving of the family facts. It is advisable to use the form at least when adding missing families. Please, take more copies if needed. It is desirable to enter also e-mail addresses on the chance that rechecking of the information is needed. E-mail addresses will not be recorded in the family history book.
You’ll also find attached a chart that shows how you belong to the Pyylampi / Rinta-Kahra family (this is not needed to return).
It is advisable to notify the above-mentioned address if somebody does not want his/her personal details to be recorded in the family history book.
Also photos related to the family are published in the book, especially older pictures of families, persons, buildings and different items of interest. Photos of people at work will serve too. Send preferably scanned copies. Also e-mail can be used. It is god to send many pictures, of which most suitable are selected into the book. Now it is also otherwise the time to inventory the photos and send them to be recorded in the genealogy as memories for the future generations. Please, write on the back of the picture or on a separate paper the names of people in the picture, in what situation the photo has been taken, date and place whenever possible and the name of the sender. Pictures with no facts are unusable. Original photos will be returned.
The thought is to publish the family history book on July 9, 2016, at the family reunion of the Pyylampi Family Association held at the house of Jokivarren Nuorisoseura (Alavus).
Please, visit the web page www.pyylampi.org! You’ll find there current information about the family and the progress of the genealogy.
Family details can also be sent by e-mail to the address jorma.lamminmaki@pp.inet.fi.
Please, send the supplements, corrections and photos not later than March 20, 2016!
There is enclosed a return envelope ready for mailing. You’ll find enclosed information about the Pyylampi Family Association, too.
The family history book is also bookable in advance by using the enclosed form or by e-mail. The book will be paid first when received.
Best Regards
Pentti Pyylampi
chair of the Pyylampi Family Assoc.
Jorma Lamminmäki, genealogist
vice-chair of the Pyylampi Family Assoc.